Some Links You Might Want

Just wanted to make a quick note for those of you who know Emily Lloyd and/or Rachel Lamine. Both girls are going to be in Europe this spring and both have blogs you should check out.  Their links are in the right side bar of the blog.  Let me know if you can’t find them.   

Adventure #1

The original inspiration for the creation of this blog is my trip to Europe next semester, so pictures, stories, and lessons from France are the first things you have to look forward to. I will be studying abroad with CIS in Aix en Provence for approximately four months, which is in southeast France. See if you can find it below on this rather complicated looking map (from

Everyone keeps asking me if I’m excited, and the obvious answer is yes!  However as it gets closer and closer to time to go, and I have to say good-bye to more and more people I love for a rather long amount of time, I must confess that my excitement has been dampened a bit.  Don’t get me wrong, my attitude is not “woe is me, I have to go to Europe.”  It’s just that when I decided to study abroad, I didn’t fully process the fact that it would involve not seeing people I dearly love for four months.  As I’ve dealt with this unforeseen challenge, I’ve decided that all these “good-bye blues” are excellent reminders that I cannot see the picture God is painting with my life and that for this moment he has called me to “walk” in France.  So, everyone I’m leaving behind, know that you are loved and will be missed.  The answer to the excitement question is still yes.